My Four Seasons, Dawid Ryski
14,90 € inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
“Bold colors bring the nuances of each of the four seasons to life: the autumnal foliage in its gold and red glory; the crisp white of winter months; the bright yellow of a summer sun; and the green and floral palette of fresh spring landscapes.
As the pages of My Four Seasons turn, so do the seasons. A traipse through a city buried in snow leads to a scene of springtime renewal. Before summer arrives, My Four Seasons portrays the planting to be done before a plentiful harvest. BBQs and lakeside outings paint a backdrop of summer leisure soon to be usurped by autumn winds and Halloween fiends. As all is a cycle, winter returns to begin Mother Nature’s seasonal tale once more while its white quilt covers the ground, welcoming slumber to both reader and foliage.” (From: Little Gestalten)
- Author/Illustrator: Dawid Ryski
- Publisher: Little Gestalten
- Age: from 3-5 years
- Format: 21 x 29 cm, Hardcover
- Pages: 32 / full color
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